BanK Hoilday knit Quickie

A Knit Quickie meaning that the blogs a quickie, as unlike most who had today off, I worked:-0. 

TIME goes so quickly.

Happily as my hours stay the same that way so it works , this meaning I can spand all my free time doing what it is I do Best!!


Above this is not a Christmas tree, lovingly mentioned by my other half that if it grew any more that we could leave it for the xmas season!! it is in fact my Mary Mary skirt.

I had to lift it as it is getting near its completion time and I need to be able to work on the edging of what will be almost a Victorian /Edwardian type of skirt.

I attached the flower badge that my daughter gave me to make the necklace part of this creation.  Its simply stitched to a huge eye cord that makes up the body of the necklace.

Patio time and lets knit

The sun shone

Random that its in fact lets Knit I think really that I should read maybe Lets Crochet! if there is such a magazine.  But they did publish me so I brand faithful;-)  For now.

Unfortuanlty it's not my Stockholm Patio (Im shedding a tear here) South facing and with beautuful sccenery.  Instead my English patio unfortualty looks out to awful conifere trees, and has absoloutly no sun........ 

That is until around 5pm where you get five minutes here belwo I catured it, as it hit (quickly) just so my family would believe me.

But I'm not complaining (Much) at least its a garden;-) I sat with my wine my mag and my crochet, Happily.

Lovely lunches

I got to catch up with my Lovely Sirdar designer buddie, I got this lovely little stash below;-)

Lunch out, we sat in the park at Leamington Spa and had a lovely lunch followed by the above beautiful champayne parrfit pud, mmmmmmm best ever.

Pants Duck
Yes he literately is pants, he is made up of  clean recycled knicker elastic, he will be posted to OZ for a winter project that I got asked to send a duck to;-) 
I will post more when I know the details.