An Eclectic mix of.....

An Eclectic mix of.....


Over sized Scarf,

Innocent age concern, coolness

York(mini break) in no particular order.........

Innocent smoothies for charity make the perfect hat for a Bratz that enjoys wearing retro knits. What a super cute idea and makes money for charity at the same time.

Knitting & Art

Blog search Knit daily, random Google and found this beautiful knitting portrait.

It's history..........

One of Greuze's great strengths was his depiction of children. They appear in his many scenes of family life at all ages, from infants to adolescents. This little girl of the lower class—her clothes announce her as such—has been given the job of knitting a stocking, not one for herself, but for an adult.

In the eighteenth-century it was not unusual to put girls to work. They were taught to knit and spin as young as four or five so that they could contribute to the family's economy. How long has she been knitting, one wonders, for her to fall asleep, needles still held in her hands?

Article and photo taken from knitting daily.

Monet's Super Scarf's

Completed random strips random yarns , super long super wide super scarf;-)

Over sized scarf......For my daughter

Xmas is coming, FAST and so I'm on a knit mission, scarf's,Hats and shawls, basic and easy. This being my mind seems to be mush at the moment and a lack of attention an issue.

Winter brain freeze.

To many vampires..........

Strange occurrences

Whitby had just to many Vampires to park.....

Image Girl and boy taken from below site.

so off we went to
Scarborough Fish N Chips in a bag,by the sea (Yum)

Below York with Ms A Hatton (this name will soon be mentioned all over the knit world, I cant say yet but a certain little Quirky's hit the big time.

The York wall, yes as in the photo no safety rail and not a walk for a couple of ladies if they had a wine? luckily we hadn't at this point.

A weekend with Quirky little knits aka Angela, Bridget Jones mini break with out Daniel or Mark Darcy.

Loving the houses (The architecture is just so pretty)