the best cookie recipe I've found in a long time

Is there such a thing as a recipe hoarder??
Is there anyone else out there
who must print out/tear out every
potentially good recipe that comes along?...
As I was going through one of my severely
overstuffed folders of 'recipes to try'
I came across this Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip
Oatmeal Cookie recipe of Martha's.
At first I was skeptical as I had
tried one of her chocolate chip cookie
recipes years ago to which the whole family
gave a thumbs down.
But this recipe really sounded good,
so after dinner last night I gave the cookies
a try...and they did not disappoint.
My only alteration was to cut the
amount of sugars in half,
and with my oven they were done
in about 12 minutes.
I've eaten way more than is healthy...
You can find the recipe here.