Frocks and Knickers

New Dress

Back bone stitch.

Structure and the new stitch again, I think that I must have been thinking about
my friend Angela with out realising as her uni final piece was a knitted back bone.

I crocheted one with out even thinking.........

My background art matches my dress;-)

Baby Mear's

Crochet Baby Blanket.....

It's a new stitch and it makes the yarn double the thickness.

These colours I think are ok for boy or girl.

The Lilac the only iffy one, but I have a boy and I was ok with lilac.
Pretty safe (modern day and all)

This will be a perfect size for a car seat.

Not made anything baby in a while, but who can go wrong

with a baby
blankets as a gift.

From Baby to Vintage baby

Another one for my collection.

Price 2 d

I have not seen this part before, a tension square, Very cute.