It was back in August that I started the 'Owls' sweater.
Halfway through the body I set it aside, but with fall now here I recently picked it up again.
Halfway through the body I set it aside, but with fall now here I recently picked it up again.
And, yesterday was the big day it would be finished! Before binding off the neckline, I tried it on one more time.
Ignoring the circular needles sticking out the neckline, the unsewn armpits, and some trailing bits of yarn, I was really happy with the fit...
...and I have to tell you, my back is not grossly mishappen as it would appear. There is just too much sweater between the shoulders--one too many owls it would seem...big disappointment, as I realized it will have to be ripped out and refigured.
I knew some knitters had had this problem, and I had tried the sweater on before adding the arms and it seemed all was well...
As soon as I can bear it, a-frogging I will be.