For those who asked questions about our strawberry patch, here's a little bit of the raised wooden box pictured that Mike built. After the ground freezes, I mulch/cover the plants well with straw. In the spring I pull the straw off the plants but still leave it around them for mulch. Once the plants fill in, I have had virtually no weeds. Last year, beside this raised bed, I covered the ground with landscaping fabric, poked holes in it, and planted the 'daughter' plants from the originals. Then I covered it well with straw also - and no weeding!
I was fixing supper the other night and was too busy to bother with individual shortcake biscuits for our dessert, so I found this recipe and made it in an 8" square baking pan. I just gently pressed the dough into the buttered pan, and then brushed the melted butter over the top. I think it baked for 20 - 25 minutes and is absolutely delicious with strawberries and freshly whipped cream!
In an effort to justify the eating of more than one strawberry shortcake a day, I found this information on the great benefits of strawberries...see eating healthy can be fun ;)