Christmas Loot!

Thanks Lena, Sophie, Kath and of course my Rich ;-)

Loop-d-loop Crochet by Teva Durham
Seen this at Knit lab(huge table with all types of knit books to read on the Sunday knit cafe) and I just loved the pictures and I though maybe could use some of her idea's.
The Encyclopedia of CROCHET techniques by Jan Eaton
Broom handle technique, it's the only time I have seen this, is in this book so that's my new years resolution learn that stitch!, team work with the kind help of Karin ;-)

A variety of wool from my in laws and from my kids Glass needle's! not quite sure how practical they will be to use but seeing most of my stash of needles are from charity shops I thought why not? the trouble is they will need there own display stand they are so lovely.

But my number one gift is a rose wood crochet hook with a REAL pearl! wow how cool. Can't wait to try it out.