Like most knitters I wish I could be more productive. I wish I could finish more sweaters and other projects and find even more time to knit. I wish I could knit faster. However, every now and then I find myself enjoying a project so much that I purposely knit slowly to make the project last longer.

That is the case with the Aran Sandal Socks (shown above). These are knit in the Cormo yarn from Taos Wool Festival which is by far the most wonderful yarn I've knit with for many years. The socks themselves are really designed well and fun to do. I admire a knitwear designer who manages to make everything fall in place in a relatively complicated design. I like how the designer managed to find a complex cable (the 22 row mirror cable) that is just long enough to fit the heel. I like the way the sole of the sock is done in stockinette stitch so you don't have to worry about the seed stitch matching up at the jog. And the yarn is simply perfect. All yarns should feel the way this Cormo yarn does.

Am I the only one who ever feels this way or are there some of you out there who also find knitting projects you prefer to knit slowly?


I forgot I have one more knitting New Year's Resolution to add. I want to knit EVERY PATTERN in Folk Knitting in Estonia. There are 26 projects and so far I've only knit 5 of the patterns. Lisa, who is deep in the late stage of glove madness, is doing a beautiful job on Anu's Christmas Gloves and inspiring me as usual. I may start Kristi's mittens in the Peruvian Collection cashmere this week. Nancy Bush rules!