Today was a wonderful mail day. Stasia kindly sent me the most beautiful bunny stitch markers in memory of Flip. I had been whining about how much I wanted some rabbit stitch markers and Stasia went to the trouble to find the raw materials and then make such a wonderful design. They have blue beads and some terrific silver bunnies at the bottom. I love them and am going to use them for Malin immediately. I will get another disposable camera tomorrow to take a photo so you can all be jealous. Thanks Stasia! Now I have to find something fun to send back to her for her generosity.

I also received my Nature Spun worsted for Na Craga from Herrschners. It is in an unusual color called Meadow Green but it is more of a teal. Actually the color looks completely different in daytime and nighttime. But really when can you buy wool yarn for an Alice Starmore sweater in a size large for under $30 anyway?

I went back to Herrschners today for their new weekly sale like a lemming. When will the madness stop? I have so much yarn and I keep buying it. sigh Well at least I buy it for a specific purpose. I used to just buy yarn because I liked it. I bought some fingering weight Nature Spun to make itty bitty socks for Christmas decorations. The Colorado HRS is having a Bunny Boutique Christmas sale so I wanted to come up with something small they can sell. If you're wondering why I'm in NM knitting for a Colorado rabbit rescue, it is because my sweet rabbit Flip was adopted from them. And they helped me quite a bit with his health problems over the years. I'm glad I can knit for them as a tribute to my very-much-missed black bunny.

Jack the cat wishes I spent less time online buying yarn and missing certain rabbits and more time playing with him. Of course that is a bit difficult with his daily 18 hour naps.