canning day

The new Aracauna and Black Australorp hens,
who have been free-ranging for some time,
have suddenly discovered the tomatoes in the garden...
half-eaten remains were still hanging on the
vines when I went out early this morning.
Since our tomato crop is pretty meager this
year, I was especially unhappy!...needless
to say they will be relocating to the confines
of the henhouse and the enclosed chicken yard
until the garden is officially done.
I did my first cannerful of tomatoes today,
but only had enough for 4 quarts...if I
can get 30 more, I would be happy :)...and
would be really nice.
The cherry tomatoes {in my newly acquired 50-cent
yard sale wire basket}
are abundant and wonderfully sweet...
wondering if they would make a good marinara sauce?
