by Barb Brown

Publisher: Krause
Release Date: Feb 24, 2011
Source: sent by publisher
My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Summary from
In this book, author Barb Brown takes sock knitting to new heights by teaching you the ins and outs of knitting knee highs, a popular sock, but one that needs more explanation than most books and magazines give it. Here, in the first book on the topic, you will learn how to size these socks as you knit them, with 20 great patterns to pick from. Each of the 20 knee-high patterns comes with a variation that features that design in a different color and style of sock, perfect for knitters who want to mix up their sock drawer.
My Review:
Anyone who has stopped by over at my vintage blog knows that I like to knit, so I was excited to receive this book for review. "Knitting Knee-Highs" is an amazing book for intermediate to advanced knitters. There's a great diversity in the patterns, some are very bold color work patterns, while others are subtle and textured in neutral colors.
I absolutely love how the author encourages the reader to try new things. She doesn't just say, "Oh you could make these socks shorter," she gives you clear instructions on how to adapt any of her knee high patterns to socks or legwarmers. I'm impressed with the number of patterns in the book. There are 20 patterns but each one has at least one variation. With all of these options, you're bound to find something you love.
I'm fascinated by her suggestion to use positive and negative to flip flop the colors and make coordinating but not matching socks. I really can't wait to try this, the examples that she has shown are gorgeous. The patterns do look challenging, they probably aren't for a beginning knitter, but I think with patience, an intermediate knitter like me would be up for the challenge.
I loved the descriptions at the beginning of each pattern where the author tells about her inspiration for the pattern and techniques. The photos are clear and detailed and she shows you how using different color combinations can dramatically change the look.
Bottom Line: I can't wait to try out a pair of non-matching knee highs next fall, until then I may try one of her adorable anklets with a scalloped fold over cuff.