QUARTERLY REPORTMy purpose for doing this blog is to become more productive and to keep a better record of my fiber experiences. At the end of 2002, I was dismayed to find I had 3 sweaters on the needles and two more planned and my knitting output for the year hadn't been great. And my stash was getting too large and unfocused.
Since the first quarter of 2003 has passed I thought I'd do a quarterly report for the first quarter for 2003 to keep me honest.
Items Finished:
1.Child's mittens - my own design after a friend requested them
2. Meida's mittens from
Folk Knitting in Estonia for a friend
3. Fuzzy Feet in stash wool for DH
4. Dale of Norway Sirdal cardigan for myself
5. Traveling Stitch vest
6. Red Spontaneous Scarf to use up stash wool for knitting box
7. Brown/Neutral Spontaneous Scarf for knitting box
8. Harald mittens from
Viking Patterns for Knitting for knitting box
Items in Progress:
1. Alice Starmore St. Enda
2. Dale of Norway Trondheim
3. Green Spontaneous Scarf
Other Things Accomplished:
1. Combed and spun 1 bobbin of gray alpaca
2. Dyed yarn and fiber in Easter egg dye
3. Abandoned the Best of Show socks from
Socks, Socks, Socks (3 colors every row was getting annoying).
4. Possibly abandoning some other future planned projects - DH says he's not sure he likes the
Vogue Knitting Map of the World afghan and I may not do the spring socks from
Socks, Socks, Socks.
Future Planned Projects:
1. Entrelac socks from Spin-Off socks book
2. Dale of Norway Kashmir sweater
3. Alpaca mittens for Joelle
4. Several more Spontaneous Scarves (you can't knit just one!)
5. Alice Starmore's Celtic Keynot Pillow
6. Make a complete inventory of stash yarns and fiber and books